Your partnerships should be taking you further

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We Are Always Stronger Together.
Let Us Show You How Collaborations Can
Expand Your Reach, Increase Your Impact,
And Influence Your Bottom Line.


We support your efforts to meet your goals in the areas of: 

  • Strategic Partnerships
  • Fundraising 
  • Business Development  

Click on any offering below to learn more about pricing and deliverables.

Meet Olaitan Orie

My goal is to help impact-driven leaders  secure partners that make a difference in the outcomes of their businesses and nonprofits. I am committed to organizations that are driving change in society and moving the needle in their industries. I also have a special focus on underserved communities, women-led organizations and African- centered organizations.

we want our clients to feel like
they are being supported by a trusted friend
who cheers them on every step of the way.

We accomplish this by ensuring our clients know that we are: 

Primary Partners

We understand partnerships should be value-add to your organization. So as your primary partner we aim to build a relationship of trust, integrity and transparency where priorities are at the forefront.

Dedicated Advisors

We are committed to you and desire success for your organization. We take a hands on approach and work alongside you to meet your goals and assist with implementation.

Time Savers

We know you’re busy and we respect your time. So we schedule our calls, effectively utilize technology to cut down on time and send only the necessary preparatory materials to make our meetings efficient.

Confidence Boosters

We aim to be informative and educative in every interaction so that you feel confident to replicate our partnership process with prospective partners.

Resources and blog

I have a deep interest in connecting people, helping them make money and find money to support their goals. The information I share here helps entrepreneurs explode the growth of their business through partnerships and alliances. I also share information that helps nonprofit leaders meet and surpass their funding goals through partnerships with donors and grantmaking organizations aligned with their mission. I invite you to find out more below.

To Whom Much is Given Much More Will Be Expected.

You have the power to make a difference.

Let us be your guide.

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Weekly partnership tips, grant alerts, pitch alerts and inspiration for impact-driven leaders interested in financial growth and expansion for their business or nonprofit.