Making a difference, one partner at a time—
it’s who we are.

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Servant Leadership

We lead by serving. We show you what a strong partnership looks. As a client, your needs come first.

Impact Driven

Our mantra is “if you win, we win”. We want to help you make an impact.

Knowledge is Power

We are lifelong learners so not only do we share what we know, but we also share as we learn. 


University of Maryland Global Campus


University of Maryland College Park

certificate of Strategic management

certificate of consulting management

Meet Olaitan Orie

“To whom much is given, much more will be expected.”

Welcome, I am Olaitan Orie, the Founder and Chief Relationship Builder at Twelve 48 Consults. 

Over the years, I’ve realized that women were often underestimated and our unique style and approach towards relationship building, negotiation and agreement was often seen as a detriment, when in fact it was an asset towards creating mutually beneficial partnerships and long-term sustainable growth for our organizations. My desire is to help women discover their voice and have confidence in building relationships in a way that works for them and their organizational goals, especially when they have a seat at the table or they are at the head of that table.   

In the last 12+ years I have been focused on building genuine and authentic relationships that help companies and nonprofits grow. I have a deep interest in connecting people, helping them make money and find money to support their goals. The information I share helps entrepreneuers explode the growth of their business through partnerships and alliances. I also share information that helps nonprofit leaders meet and surpass their funding goals through partnerships with donors and grantmaking organizations aligned with their mission. I work most often with ambitious female leaders in their 30’s and 40’s who may second guess their approach towards partnership and alliance building.   


I earned my BS and MBA from the University of Maryland and as a lifelong learner, I continue to deepen my knowledge and expertise in all things partnerships, fundraising and business development. In 2019, I quit my job in New York City, left everything I knew and moved to a new country for love. It was petrifying at the time but out of the labor pains of that decision, Twelve 48 Consults was born. It is one of the best decisions of my life—I’m sure my husband agrees— and it reminds me that sometimes you just have to take that leap of faith. 


When I’m not working, I enjoy traveling, dining out and eating local cuisine with my family. Learn more in my Welcome blog post by clicking HERE.


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