
Guidance for Entrepreneurs and Nonprofit Leaders Who Desire High-Impact Partnerships

Who Am I?

Hi there and welcome to my online home. I’m Olaitan Orie, and I am a  Strategic Partnerships and Fundraising Advisor. I’m the owner of Twelve 48 Consults, a boutique consulting firm that supports for-profit and nonprofit clients seeking high-impact partnerships that result in increased revenue for their businesses or funding for their nonprofits. I work with clients across the globe, often remotely but also locally, depending on where I am in the world. I’m looking forward to sharing tips, links, inspiration and other value adds that help you find the type of partners you need to ensure meaningful growth and impact in your business or nonprofit. I’ve got your back and I’m pleased to have you here.

Other Fun Facts:

  • I quit my job in New York City, left everything I knew and moved to a new country for love. It was petrifying at the time but out of the labor pains of that decision, my business was born. It is one of the best decisions of my life—I’m sure my husband agrees— and it reminds me that sometimes you just have to take that leap. 
  • When I’m not working, I enjoy traveling, dining out and eating local cuisine with my family
  • My greatest goal is to offer my services probono twice a year towards women’s economic development initiatives in African nations.

What I Do:

I am the chief relationship builder at Twelve 48 Consults. For the last 12+ years I have been focused on building genuine and authentic relationships that help companies and nonprofits grow. I have a deep interest in connecting people, helping them make money and find money to support their goals. The information I share helps entrepreneuers explode the growth of their business through partnerships and alliances. I also share information that helps nonprofit leaders meet and surpass their funding goals through partnerships with donors and grantmaking organizations aligned with their mission. I work most often with ambitious female leaders in their 30’s and 40’s who may second guess their approach towards partnership and alliance building. 

Why I created Twelve 48 Consults:

Over the years, I’ve realized that women are often underestimated and our unique style and approach towards negotiation and relationship building is often seen as a detriment, when in fact it is an asset towards creating mutually beneficial  partnerships and long-term sustainable growth for our organizations. I desire to help women discover their voice and have confidence in building relationships in a way that works for them and their organizational goals, especially when they have a seat at the table— or better yet, when they are at the head of that table.  

Why I am Personally Invested in Serving Female Leaders: 

Throughout my career, I’ve served as a contributing member of business development teams at multinational organisations and I’ve been responsible for establishing partnerships with corporations, nonprofits and government agencies and have often felt the pressure to build those relationships using tactics that were similar to my male counterparts. I found that those patterns of partnership and alliance building rarely yielded the same success for me as my male counterparts and in my last corporate role as a Strategic Partnerships Manager for  the eastern United States, I realized that my method for building relationships was not just unique to me but unique to women. And in fact, there was an unspoken expectation – from both my male and female clients in senior positions and in the C-suite – to build with empathy, to heighten awareness of social cues, to present data that allows me to negotiate firmly but considerately. It was eye-opening. I found much success and through additional coaching from other female leaders, it donned on me that there wasn’t a need to replicate the style of my male colleagues but to lean into my own relationship building style. Now, as a leader in my own company, I have increased confidence in my approach towards partnership and alliance building. I believe that women must take the tried and true methods of strategic partnership and alliance building and adapt it so it feels authentic for both themselves and their prospective partners.  

What I’ll Share on This Blog:

Most leaders struggle to figure out the next steps towards expanding their organisation’s reach— whether that’s additional funding, additional customers/clients or additional offerings. Their solution is to take an online course which may not always result in the outcomes they desire— or worse yet, turn to Google for an overwhelming abundance of irrelevant answers that aren’t specific to their organization. But the truth is, you need the help and you need it to be clear, digestible and easy to implement.  So on this blog, I will post regular tips to support you in your partnerships, sponsorships or fundraising goals. Please reach out if there is a topic you want me to cover or a question you want answered.

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And if you are reading this and you want to have a virtual coffee with me, don’t hesitate to schedule a free consultation or email me with your questions on our contact page.

Welcome again and l look forward to partnering with you towards greater success this year!