Your partnerships
should be
adding value.

Not sure what to expect? Find out more HERE.


Below are a few of our favorite resources to inspire you on your journey towards better impact leadership.

Click on the links, images, videos and icons below to take you to each resource. Good luck!  

members-only subscription access

Tired of searching several sites and platforms for funding opportunities? Let us do it for you!

This subscription service is for the impact leader who wants to save time and outsource the "search" for pitch competitions, business grants and nonprofit grants . Our database is updated weekly with clickable links and contact information.

free downloads

If you are ready to expand your reach or your organization's reach through partnerships then download some of our free worksheets to get started.

Find the "Partnerships Launch Plan" here. It's an action plan that gets you closer towards clarity and connections.

Find the "Lean Business/Nonprofit Plan" here as well. It's a simple business plan that gets you started if you're overwhelmed by ideas and unsure of what to do first.

youTube series

Looking for the perfect companion to your "Partnership Launch Plan"? Look no further. The YouTube series is the type of support and inspiration you need to stay motivated in reaching the right partners.

Our channel also hosts inspiration for impact-driven leaders such as tips, tricks and links on a weekly basis.

upcoming trainings

Our in-person and online trainings are designed to help you secure funding and secure partners to take your business or nonprofit to the next level.

Please note that due to covid-19 restrictions, our live training holds 15 delegates max.

COMING SOON: The Fundraising Training
scheduled for June 2021.

Check out the agenda and
join the waitlist to secure your spot.

Online Courses

These are some of our favorite online courses for impact leaders who value lifelong learning and want to increase their visibility or tighten up their funding strategy.

Go at your own pace. No interference. 100% free.

inspirational videos

If you love a good book, and want to read on the go,
try an audiobook.

Our Most Inspiring
Book Recommendations
Only on Audible!

30 Day Free Trial

Get Our Weekly Newsletter
Weekly partnership tips, grant alerts, pitch alerts and inspiration for impact-driven leaders interested in financial growth and expansion for their business or nonprofit.