We help Impact-driven leaders be longterm change makers.

Not sure what to expect? Find out more HERE.

We are just like you!

We want to make a difference in the world around us.

We want to work with mindful organizations that aren’t only driven by the financials.

We want to generate funding that helps our mission thrive, not just survive.

Partner with us to create a plan of action that you can replicate and implement

so you can work smarter, not harder.

Our clients often approach us with questions like:

We want to expand our organisation’s reach but we don’t know where to start— can you help?

How do we transform our ideas into a concrete strategy and an actionable plan?

Where do we find partners aligned with our mission

how do we establish objectives that both partners can agree upon? ​

Our strategic partner wants to negotiate— what now?

How do we measure and evaluate the success of our partnership?

The partnership has not been performing as expected— what are our options?

How do we determine our total funding goal?

Where do we find our donor partners?

What do Corporate Social Responsibility teams require from prospective partners?

How should we determine our fundraising mix?

How do we write a compelling case for support to funders?

Should we really have our proposal copyedited prior to submission?

What type of fundraising success metrics should we monitor?

“Lean into your potential”

“We know that you are a confident and capable leader

and one size does not fit all.”

That is why we are dedicated

to helping women-led organizations meet their own needs

and lean into a partnership approach that works for them!”

No Surprises Here!

Transparency is the name of the game

We treat our clients the same way we treat our family: with respect!

Connect with Us.
The process starts with a commitment-free
15min. virtual coffee.

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Weekly partnership tips, grant alerts, pitch alerts and inspiration for impact-driven leaders interested in financial growth and expansion for their business or nonprofit.